Paper 2020/1616

Algebraic Geometric Secret Sharing Schemes over Large Fields Are Asymptotically Threshold

Fan Peng, Hao Chen, and Chang-An Zhao


In Chen-Cramer Crypto 2006 paper \cite{cc} algebraic geometric secret sharing schemes were proposed such that the ``Fundamental Theorem in Information-Theoretically Secure Multiparty Computation" by Ben-Or, Goldwasser and Wigderson \cite{BGW88} and Chaum, Crépeau and Damgård \cite{CCD88} can be established over constant-size base finite fields. These algebraic geometric secret sharing schemes defined by a curve of genus $g$ over a constant size finite field ${\bf F}_q$ is quasi-threshold in the following sense, any subset of $u \leq T-1$ players (non qualified) has no information of the secret and any subset of $u \geq T+2g$ players (qualified) can reconstruct the secret. It is natural to ask that how far from the threshold these quasi-threshold secret sharing schemes are? How many subsets of $u \in [T, T+2g-1]$ players can recover the secret or have no information of the secret? In this paper it is proved that almost all subsets of $u \in [T,T+g-1]$ players have no information of the secret and almost all subsets of $u \in [T+g,T+2g-1]$ players can reconstruct the secret when the size $q$ goes to the infinity and the genus satisfies $\lim \frac{g}{\sqrt{q}}=0$. Then algebraic geometric secretsharing schemes over large finite fields are asymptotically threshold in this case. We also analyze the case when the size $q$ of the base field is fixed and the genus goes to the infinity.

Available format(s)
Public-key cryptography
Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
Algebraic geometric secret sharingQuasi-thresholdThresholdAlgebraic-Geometry codes.
Contact author(s)
zhaochan3 @ mail sysu edu cn
2020-12-30: received
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Fan Peng and Hao Chen and Chang-An Zhao},
      title = {Algebraic Geometric Secret Sharing Schemes over Large Fields Are Asymptotically Threshold},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2020/1616},
      year = {2020},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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